fAIth - The AI Creative Agency
fAIth - The AI Creative Agency
We thought differently and launched Faith amidst this barrage of negativity. We rejected the notion that AI will be bad for our industry. We had Faith that AI, used responsibly, would be an accelerator of human creativity. Faith would be a lightning rod for progress. Where others saw threat, we saw opportunity. With everyone else piling-in on the negativity, this unapologetically optimistic point-of-view challenged the prevailing narrative and garnered unprecedented media attention, simply because we dared to differ. AI will be an accelerator of human creativity… but when? Early on, we discovered a problem. The common gen-AI tools were great for concepting, but not for creating. They didn’t understand a brand’s world, tone or distinctive assets well enough to be useful. So we built our own AI tools to do just that. These tools are built by creatives for creatives - to amplify what a human creative can do. As well as expanding our creative toolkit, AI is expanding roles. With people from all levels now sitting in jobs in faith that did not exist 9 months ago. Taking that initial ‘leap of faith’ and standing strong in the face of adversity has positioned us ahead of competitors. We have built a robust infrastructure that has not only not replaced any workstreams, but has created more…