More than 93% of kids play video games. And with the pandemic, children are spending more time in their rooms and, consequently, gaming. Uncoincidentally, reports of online sexual abuse are emerging with unprecedented frequency around the world, with some perpetrators grooming hundreds and even thousands of victims. The ProtectSet, a custom-built headset that protects young gamers by making them sound older, was created to help stave off predators procuring minors and, most importantly, make gaming safety a topic of debate amongst parents worldwide. In just 15 days, the initiative has already gathered impressive results: 800M impressions, 10M USD in earned media, over 2,000 media clippings and 900 cumulative TV broadcasts in the region and the world. With no media budget, we developed a campaign to make gaming safety a topic of debate and the world responded to it, making parents, the gaming world and the media talk about the issue.