Movable Ink Da Vinci: an Ensemble Approach to AI

Movable Ink

Recognising the need to reverse down-trending engagement and shift towards a customer-centric approach, one of the largest retailers embarked on a transformative journey with Movable Ink's AI offering, Da Vinci, to overhaul its email strategy.

Da Vinci empowered the brand to decouple campaigns from creative, allowing marketers to seamlessly integrate AI decision-making into their workflows. By providing creatives and leveraging an intelligent, marketer-controlled content library, the retailer optimised its email campaigns for every customer interaction. Through Da Vinci's ensemble AI approach, they saw remarkable performance lifts, including double-digit increases in key metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and revenue per send. On top of that, Da Vinci significantly improved workflow efficiency, enabling them to send more personalised versions of emails with less setup time. The shift from brand-centric to customer-centric email marketing not only enhanced the customer experience but also drove tangible business outcomes for the retailer.